Once Upon A Bookwyrm...

So, it occurs to me that I never properly introduced myself, did I? Ahem... Once Upon A Time there lived a young woman named Bethany who loved books and wordplay, and so decided to start a blog called Wish I Was A Bookwyrm to chronicle her journey toward getting her own books published, as well as to talk about writing and art, because she had traditionally trained as an artist at university. She lived in Texas, born and raised and proud of it, and did in fact know how to ride horses (although it had been awhile... >.>). She was also a huge nerd! She couldn't help it since it ran in the family, and she had a lifelong fascination with spaceships and different worlds, both the planetary kind and the ones that liked to hide in wardrobes and under the kitchen sink. And it was obvious to her that clearly Artoo was the best droid ever despite how cool it was BB-8's head could pop on and off whenever he wanted. 😉 (He's just so darn cute! <3) She hoped that her...