Scumbling Around

Scumbling - the circular motion used to lay down color to keep directional lines from forming. You've probably done it before as a kid. You know. Round and round and round and round...
To see what this has to do with what I'm working on, click the link. :)
So my grandmother surprised me with a present last week: a 72 pack of Prismacolor colored pencils she found on sale for forty percent off. Apparently all the colored pencils were on sale.
Those of you that have any kind of understanding of Prismacolors probably just lost your breath so I'll answer the obvious question first. She got them at Hobby Lobby. I don't know if it's still going on, but run. Seriously.
She and I are going to share, but I'm super super excited to add more colors to the handful I already had. And here's what I've been using them to create...
So obviously it's not finished yet, but I love where it's going! I'll post the progress pictures I've been taking in a post later this week so you can see how much went into it. I'm thinking of calling it Hothouse Flowers. For those that don't already know, a hothouse is another term for a greenhouse, and since these came from the grocery store, I figure chances are they weren't picked in a field somewhere.
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