Monday Labyrinth

Some Mondays you actually want to wake up and start your week. Others are so taxing even at eight in the morning they demand David Bowie's Labyrinth soundtrack as soon as possible. I'm definitely having a Bowied-out-of-shape Monday.

Image result for labyrinth david bowie

My younger sister and I have our very own booth at Anime Matsuri this year (a great, humongous anime/Japan convention they host in Houston), along with some of her artistic friends. I'm the oldest out of the lot, and the only one who can legally have the technical aspects like sales tax permits and such, so along with worrying about finishing my various paintings in time to print and ship them, I'm having to deal with a lot of the actual business of it. I went for an art degree for a reason so this is all a foreign language to me and with two weeks until the con, it is freaking me out.

I know the girls are all worried about their prints on top of their school work so I'm trying hard not to complain because I don't think they have it any easier then I do. But we're coming down to our absolute deadlines and there's still so much to do! We've all been so focused on what we're going to actually sell that I keep forgetting the background stuff you just assume will be there when you buy anything! Like bags. Do we have any? Ha! Business cards? Ps-shaw! Well, you've got your prints in, right?



You can start to hear it faintly through the computer, can't you? Daddy, daddy get me out of here. Gotta live underground. Sister, sister! Yeah...

Well, wish us luck, I guess. And if you're in Houston in two weeks and love anime, you should come check us out in person at Lunestra Art! Or, you know, see if we survived...


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